Perspective from a High School Student

By Sophia He

Through my past experiences participating at Living Room Conversations, I was able to learn about the perspectives of people who differ from me in terms of race, gender, age, and so many more aspects. The conversation guides and agreements provided a relatively  safe space where people, despite possessing different ideas, listened to one another with respect. With these motivations in mind, today, as a member of the Youth Council at Living Room Conversations, I, together with the whole Youth Council team, aim to bridge across the differences both among the younger generations and with other groups of people. We hope to get closer to our vision where all different voices join together in polyphony like a choir, where we welcome instead of reject differences, and where, through learning about ours, we learn more deeply about ourselves and the values we truly care about.

—> Check out more of Sophia’s piece on our
Living Room Conversations blog: HERE

Featured Guide

Intro to our guide on the Cancel Culture: With the advance of technology, it’s easy to broadcast our thoughts and feelings and connect with both friends and strangers online. With the rise of the 24/7 news cycle and social media, there has been an increase of high-profile cases in which people receive public rebuke or lose professional opportunities due something they do, say, or post online, or when something from their past surfaces. Some believe that these instances are appropriate forms of accountability, while others believe they represent an out-of-control “cancel culture” that violates the spirit of free speech.This conversation provides an opportunity to discuss our personal relationships with free speech, the lines we draw for ourselves, and whether we see the need for lines to be drawn by the government and other public or private entities.

Have a Conversation!

  • Do you have someone that you’d love to connect with? Or a topic that you are eager to explore? Consider inviting them to a Living Room Conversation that you’re hosting.
  • Check out our simple step-by-step guide explaining how to host a living room conversation- in person, on Zoom or on our custom Junto video platform.
  • Want to join a conversation before hosting one?  Some folks offer open conversations on Junto.
  • Make sure to let us know about your conversations! Your feedback is not only greatly appreciated but it helps us know how to better help and support you, gain knowledge about our resources, and secure funding!


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