Peace Doesn’t Magically Happen. We Make It So.

One of the most soothing images that came out of the election were the exhausted but diligent election staff from both sides with their heads down quietly doing democracy’s work: counting the record number of votes.

Between threats of violence from the extremes, a global pandemic, and historic voter turnout, many of us braced for disaster.

But remarkably, we held strong.

Narrowly avoiding disaster isn’t a catchy story, but is a truth we’re living into every day.

Years of organizing, planning, visioning, along with a massive outpouring of resources, offerings, and listening brought us to this moment.

Peace doesn’t magically happen. Each one of us, and this broad movement of social connection and repair, comprised of national coalitions, volunteers, and organizations large and small make it so.

The fruits of this work are their own reward. But every so often, we need to look up and celebrate that long, slow, generational shifts are happening. The arc is bending towards justice because we are bending it.

Our future lies in the next generation. We believe we have a responsibility to create a movement that not only speaks to them, but allows them to speak to it.

That’s why on November 19 at 5 pm PT we’re offering a Live stream with an intergenerational twist just in time for the holiday season.

Bright young leaders from our Youth Council and their adult guests are coming together for LRC Live: A Potluck Across Generationsa light-hearted, timely conversation drawing from some of your favorite Living Room Conversation Guides.

Register HERE, and invite a loved one from another generation to join you.

Connecting across generations imbues older folks with energy and younger folks with wisdom.  We need each other. We’ve got a long road ahead. We each carry a filament in the web that connects us all. The web is stronger than any one person, organization, or generation.

If we keep investing in it, it will hold us.

The truth is, it already has.

Shannon Mannon

Newsletter Editor