Once you understand more about who you’re talking to…

The title of this week’s email is a quote from a wonderful short video interview by 3-Minute Storyteller with our co-founder Joan Blades:



We hope you’ll love it, and enjoy finding folks to share it with. If you would like to see more of our videos, just click here. And if you’d like to sign up for 3-Minute Storyteller’s email list, click here.

By the way: 3-Minute Storyteller is partnering with us! Here is where to find their invitation to their brand-new program, “Conversations to Invigorate Community!” (Choose any topic you’d like, or start with one of the suggested pairings: What Unites or Divides Us, Mental Health, and A Search for Purpose, for example). You can also follow them on social media to find out about new story/Conversation pairings.“

In the video, Joan mentions that more and more of us are doing Living Room Conversations on a monthly basis–let me know if you want to join one of those groups!

Beth G. Raps, PhD
Development Partner

PS: We have two upcoming free online Living Room Conversations for you to join–click on the link to sign up!

PPS: Want to host a Living Room Conversation online, and need some support? Contact Tracy@LivingRoomConversations.org!