New in September

Forgiveness & the Jewish New Year

One of my favorite parts of the Jewish New Year is the invitation to be introspective; where did I hit the mark, where did I miss?  Rosh Hashanah is the start of the Jewish New Year and begins on the evening of September 6th; the “Ten Days of Awe” end with Yom Kippur on September 16th.

The Jewish tradition puts asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness very high on the scale of importance. A person cannot be right with God without first being right with his or her family, friends and community. In our tradition, we are instructed that people come first; if you know you have hurt someone, you need to ask them for their forgiveness and do the work of repair before God will forgive you.

Everyone, no matter your faith tradition or lack thereof, can use this sacred time to be introspective and to ponder how we can change our lives and the world for the better.

We invite you to host your own conversations using the Living Room Conversation’s Series based on Dr. Anita Sanchez’s book, The Four Sacred Gifts – Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times. The series includes conversations on Forgiveness, Healing, Hope and Unity.

Shanah Tovah U’metukah – Wishing you all a Good and Sweet New Year.

Jane Grossman
Living Room Conversations Faith Community Partner

Art Contest – Call for Submissions!

Living Room Conversations is holding its first art contest! We are looking for an original, bold design with the theme of respect.relate.connect. We’re hoping to see our work through your eyes both through your design and with an artist statement. Winners will receive a t-shirt of their design and a $100 prize!

New Guides


Human beings are happier and healthier when they feel they belong and when that belonging lacks, it affects their self concept and ability to experience fulfillment. This guide invites you to explore where and how you feel a sense of belonging and what kind of impact that has.

Cancel Culture: Free Speech and Accountability

In case you missed it last week, this guide explores Cancel Culture. This conversation provides an opportunity to discuss our personal relationships with free speech, the lines we draw for ourselves, and whether we see the need for lines to be drawn by the government and other public or private entities.