Bending the Arc of the Universe

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” is one of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s most inspiring quotes.

But this arc does not bend on its own.

It bends because we bend it.

Discerning our particular role in bending the arc is an extraordinary responsibility, especially now, when it feels like pain is bubbling up from the earth’s very core.

We are here to help you navigate the conversations you’re called to have. The hard conversations, the brave conversations, the urgent conversations.

Here are a few conversation guides that speak to this moment. These can be powerful tools to connect, to understand, to mobilize, and to heal:

Police-Community Relations
Race and Ethnicity Series
Race in the Time of Corona

To our Black community,

We’re holding space for your pain and outrage. We see how exhausting and dehumanizing it might feel to live with institutions that fail you. We stand with you and our hearts break alongside yours.

To our communities of color who don’t identify as Black,

We realize all of the events unfolding in our nation can trigger the injustice you’ve faced. All oppression is connected, and while forces try to divide us, we resist division. We stand with you.

While destruction and violence grab the headlines, we know that an equally true story is also unfolding, the story of creation, of generativity, of renewal.

We are a nation burning, yes.

We are also a nation building.



To our White community,

As so many of us are waking up to the horrifying reality of living within a system that does not treat all citizens equally, there is an urge to act. Internal work can accompany external work. Here is a list excellent anti-racism resources for white people that we found helpful: