Racial Equity Resources

Resources to Start the Conversation in Your Community

The motto of Living Room Conversations is respect, relate, connect. We know that in the pursuit of racial equity, individual conversations are not the final stop in the journey. Conversations can help us better understand individual bias and racism, as well as consider how racism is part of our systems and institutions. We have created this resource page in response to increased demand and desire to have conversations about race.

Our hope is that these conversations and resources will be one step in your process, and that you will use insights gained from the conversations to determine next steps for you and your community.

Our intention with this resource page is to create a space of education, self-discovery, and empowerment.

Did you know that we offer custom trainings? If you’re interested in bringing Living Room Conversations about race into your community (workplace, school, etc) we’d love to support you! Custom trainings are perfect to tailor our tools to fit the specific needs of your workplace, school, and more. Features of a custom training may include modeling best practices, creating an exclusive conversation guide, co-branded PDF with tips for talking about race, and more.

For more information, contact becca@livingroomconversations.org

In this Living Room Conversation LIVE, six Black community leaders gathered to share what Juneteenth means to them, offer ways others can honor this day, and consider their vision for continued liberation.

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The traditional format of a Living Room Conversation gives equal time for participants to voice their experiences, and in conversations about race we invite you to be extra mindful and embody the practice of “step up and step back.” Essentially this practice is a reminder to step up and share personal experience with the topic at hand, and step back to make sure others have space.

We acknowledge that many people of color are feeling expected to teach well-meaning white folks. Living Room Conversations are not meant to further that burden upon people of color. In the past we have worked to encourage and curate conversations about race with ethnically and racially diverse groups. There is also value in people having conversations among themselves with others who share similar backgrounds. This is a great place to start.

Guides for Conversations About Race

We’ve prepared some conversation guides specifically for this time; we also have conversation guides that are relevant now more than ever. 

If you’re curious about why we offer conversation guides for specific racial groups, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our discussion, Let’s Talk About Race: Inner Group Conversations.

We acknowledge there are many different ways to approach a conversation around race. We’ve offered five different pathways to help you enter the conversation where it feels most aligned with your framework, interests, and experience.

The conversations are meant to be done in the order they are outlined within the pathways, as they build upon one another, preparing participants for more challenging conversations. 

Race: Where Do I Start?

This is a great entry into talking about race for those who are just beginning their journey. Empathy sets the tone to bridge our “us vs. them” perceptions.

American Aspirations

This conversation pathway invites you to consider America’s founding aspirations, the history of this nation, and your own experiences of race.

From Intra- to Inter-racial Conversations

We celebrate the desire to have conversations about race in racially diverse groups, and also acknowledge that it can be of value to have intra-racial conversations prior to coming together for interracial dialogue. 

Criminal Justice

This conversation pathway invites you to consider America’s founding aspirations, the history of this nation, and your own experiences of race.

Race & Ethnicity Series

In this series of three in-depth conversations, participants explore the complexities of the concepts of Race, Ethnicity, and their impacts on people from all walks of life.

Educational Resources for Talking About Race

Our conversation guides have always been a tool for individual connection, but we recognize that talking about race goes beyond individuals to systems. Because of that, as you prepare to enter or continue the conversation around racial equity consider looking beyond individual racism to systemic racism.

In our Educational Resources section, you will find additional resources including  recommended readings, useful graphics, and a glossary of terms. You may want to get familiar with some of these before engaging in conversations about race.


Truth & Reconciliation Conversations: Facing Racism & Healing Together

commisioned by Reflecting Freedom Network
for Nelson Mandela International Day

Custom Trainings

Did you know that we offer custom trainings? If you're interested in bringing Living Room Conversations about race into your community (workplace, school, etc) we'd love to support you! Custom trainings are perfect to tailor our tools to fit the specific needs of your workplace, school, and more. Features of a custom training may include modeling best practices, creating an exclusive conversation guide, co-branded PDF with tips for talking about race, and more. 

For more information, contact becca@livingroomconversations.org


Our expertise is centered in conversation, and we recognize there are many important ways to connect with and support racial equity. We’re grateful for the contributions made by partner organizations and long-time friends of Living Room Conversations. Check out their work below!

Are you or your organization doing work towards healing racial injustice? Would you like to partner with Living Room Conversations? Please reach out to us: brialle@livingroomconversations.org