Our Partners

Living Room Conversations partners with nonprofits, cities, schools, and organizations interested in bridging divides.

Living Room Conversations provides a guided method for diverse members of a community to engage in intentional conversation about specific and impactful issues. We have experience working with organizations, cities, and schools to implement our model to help bridge divides.

Are you or your organization doing work towards healing divides? Would you like to partner with Living Room Conversations? Reach out to us at the form below. 

Current Partners

NAFCM supports peacemakers by being the hub for advancing the work of community mediation, aggregating the wisdom of community mediation and amplifying the voice of community mediators. NAFCM's purpose, as a membership association of peacemakers who employ the practices and values of community mediation, is to help these peacemakers to create safe spaces for the transformation of conflict to opportunities for engagement, resolution and partnership through the work and will of the participants and those impacted.

We are proud to be a member of Bridge Alliance, a diverse coalition of more than 80 respected established organizations committed to revitalizing democratic practice in America. Together we are growing the ecosystem for a more healthy democracy and better relationships locally and nationally.

AllSides provides news and issues from left, right and center allowing readers to see a broad spectrum of news coverage. Living Room Conversations background information refers to AllSides topic pages with great frequency and AllSides highlights Living Room Conversations as a way for readers to constructively talk across differences.

Fetzer Institute is helping build the spiritual foundation for a loving world.

Living Room Conversations, in partnership with The Fetzer Institute, is working to answer core questions about the public's engagement with in-person and online transformative dialogues for building empathy and addressing divides.

Living Room Conversations and Make America Dinner Again share missions to build connection through conversation. With much of the country staying home now, we’re teaming up to offer our Life in the Time of Corona video conversations to people committed to building connection and understanding while physically distancing.

logo for AllSides for Schools

AllSides for Schools is a partnership between AllSides and Living Room Conversations. Already in 45 states, this program builds media literacy, collaboration skills and social emotional learning by having students experience civil dialog while appreciating others across the political and socio-economic spectrum, even when we disagree.

Listen First Project shares the core values of respectful engagement with Living Room Conversations. The simple pledge to listen first is a great start to having any conversation.

Founded in 1989, Essential Partners (EP) is a global leader in dialogue around polarizing differences of values, views, and identities. EP is proud to have served as a foundational supporter of LRC, an influence on its dialogue model, and a partner on several projects.

A nonprofit, mission-driven, and donor-supported educational organization, Omega is a global community that awakens the best in the human spirit and cultivates the extraordinary potential that exists in us all. Omega and Living Room Conversations are working together to develop a model to provide Omega staff and participants opportunities to experience dialogues across difference in a variety of learning environments.

The Village Square and Living Room Conversations have developed a hybrid model in Utah where Village Square events include shortened Living Room Conversations on the evening’s topic after listening to presenters with different viewpoints. Often these presenters have previously had this Living Room Conversation to increase their connection with each other.

Conversations New York is a non-profit voluntary organization which encourages and supports over 100 meaningful conversations each month throughout NYC, regularly using Living Room Conversations methods and materials.

CNY also sponsors global Conversation Day in Bryant Park in the center of Manhattan, involving partners in cities around the world from London to Lagos.

Meeting Point is an organization founded at Rutgers University - New Brunswick with the intention of reducing the divide in politics by creating civil discussion and events that host a variety of different political, religious, and ideological philosophies. The resources that Living Room Conversations brings to the table will serve as a framework for our discussions, ensuring that respect and tolerance are always present — even when participants disagree.

Digital Wellness Collective is a curated trade association of digital wellness experts and organizations enhancing human relationships through the intentional use and development of technology. DWC leaders will host and organize Living Room Conversations about technology and relationships.

The Not So Fast Campaign aims to empower, educate, and inspire everyone to slow down and take the time to question, analyze, and verify the news and social media they encounter. It aims to instill confidence in fact-based inquiry, civil discussion, and curiosity to become responsible digital citizens. The Not So Fast's Civil Discourse page highlights Living Room Conversations and encourages its audience to use it to engage in difficult conversations.

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